Special Offers

Offer #1

Free QuickBooks online subscription with monthly accounting services.

Offer #2

Refer a friend and receive a free monthly service fee for up to $200.00 credit on the following month.

Offer #3

Monthly services of $200 or more the business federal tax return is only $75 for a savings of up to $1,000.00.

Offer #4

Monthly services between $150-$199 or more the business federal tax return is $375 for a savings of $700.00.

To qualify for the deals the following must be met:

Services have to be confirmed for 12 months. London Specialized Accounting provides monthly write-ups including but not limited to bank, G/L, credit card, Income and Expense reconciliations. Utilizing QuickBooks

Let Our Experts Handle Your Accounting Today

Small Business Accounting. Tax Specialist. Personal & Corporate Income Tax Preparation and more.

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